Monday, August 11, 2008

You got a problem?

So does everyone else. Because problems are part of humanity. Think about it -- how are we supposed to learn about ourselves if our life was always 100 percent fine and dandy? And what a boring life it would be!

Sunday's sermon was very simple, direct to the point yet thought-provoking. God bless you, Fr. Rommel. It was in relation to God always being there for us, especially when we need Him most. And usually this is when we are burdened by problems of whatever kind. He said during those times, there are three realizations: first, we find out who are real friends are because they are the ones most willing to stand by us. Second, we learn of our limitless capacities to overcome whatever problems we are faced with. And third and most important, that God is always there for us. Not necessarily that we can see Him, in as much as we see Him among those who rally for and support us in these times.

What Fr. Rommel said is true. We may not realize them at the time we are in the midst of crisis, but looking back, we learn how problems enable us to become better persons. Sometimes, the answers we seek or want may not be the ones that come, but however we resolve these challenges or obstacles are the way that God has intended for us.

And just to lighten the load, everyone, I mean EVERYONE of us, experiences having problems at one point or another. It knows no class, no gender, no culture. Some are more difficult to hurdle than others, and some we think are far beyond our capacity to handle. But please know that when you think yours is the biggest burden, there is someone else with a more difficult task to face.

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