Thursday, August 30, 2007

Month's end again!?

Yikes, it's the end of the month again. I can't believe it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. Been busy with work and last weekend I hied off to the farm with my sister and aunt. That's was a good one.

Hmmm... was busy putting together a last-minute speech for the boss. It's kinda hard to be doing this on regular basis and I hope I can recharge enough because I've got a couple more messages to do.

Anyway, it's a bummer that the phone has been down at home so I can't access the Internet. Good thing the broadband at work is now working. Sorry to be taking advantage of it. But I'm unwinding anyway. It's a Thursday and the end of another work week. It will be gruelling next week so I gotta be prepared.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Non-stop rain

Since last night, the rain has continued to pour and flood most of the metropolis. The kids have been out of school for 3 days out of 5. And on Monday, it's a national holiday again. Wow, long weekend, but very WET since the weather bureau has warned to expect continuous rains over the next three days.

On the positive side, it's very cool, at times cold, and it's kept everyone at home mostly. But with the kids in the house, they're getting wild about being trapped inside and you can only huddle in bed for so long.

I hope damage will be as minimal as possible in areas prone to flooding and landslides. And with government kinda short in funds lately, following the mid-term elections, they're gonna have to scrounge for funds to give out relief goods, relocate, conduct rescue missions, etc.

I'm really thankful for God's grace and mercy that he watched over my dad's journey from his long bus trip and kept us all safe and warm with a roof on our heads, albeit one that leaks in certain places.

I'm getting to the creative part soon...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What typhoon?

This is so weird... There's supposed to be a typhoon that's bringing with it monsoon rains. Except for the one heavy downpour this morning, and rainshowers later in the afternoon, NADA. But guess what? They sent kids home from school in the middle of the day, and just after lunch suspended work in government offices.

However, there are reports that in some areas the floods have been terrible and traffic jams are really bad. So, the moral of the story is: be grateful. I am, I am. At least, coming home is just a few minutes away and I didn't have to sit through traffic or get drenched in rain and slosh in the floods.

The best part is: it's Wednesday today! Hurray! With just a day more to go, it will be a really long weekend since Monday is once again a holiday. With payday a long way off (in September yet, can you imagine?) that sure is welcome news.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Home Early

I mean, very early as in 3:30 pm. And this rare feat I accomplished because I had to deliver the BOSS' ticket to him at a hotel where he is attending a roundtable symposium. He did say for me to go home after we settled everything. But I really was planning to go home early just to offset the three days of coming home late and under driving rain.

I also told the kids at the office to leave early, anyway there isn't much going on there. I love Thursdays!

Good thing I learned that my name isn't on the list for initial salaries yet because I also found out I need a certificate from the Cashiering for my last salary. This is the only document missing so they can also process my initial salary covering the month of July.

Wow, funds are really tight and I can feel it, especially with my mother breathing down my back. Another "creditor" who was asking for a partial payment called up and I finally told her I hadn't received my salary for the last one-and-a-half months. That shut her up.

Well, there will probably be more realiable equipment at the office next week, and with a printer available we can get things done there quicker without me having to bring home homework, unless really necessary.

We filed our first bill, too, and hey the move to another office is also doing my health and body good. Quite a few have noticed, even if I haven't.

Here's to the end of another work week...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stormy weather

This very moment, the storm is upon us now. The power went out for about 5 minutes, thank God for the UPS. I can hear the rain lashing just outside the window, the wind howling and raindrops slamming on the roof. Everyone is asleep, but I wonder how long they can ignore the storm.

It was a bugger coming home because the rain was falling in torrents and I had a walk ahead of me. Drat the public works people for waiting till the rainy season to undergo road widening that has shut off the shorter entrance to the subdivision. I had no choice but take the "long cut" and in the process, got soaking wet, my shoes all muddied and yucky.

While I appreciate the ride up to the main highway, I wish the people who owned the vehicle were more sensitive seeing as the rain was pouring. If it had been me, I would have driven my passenger to their doorstep in that kind of downpour.

On one hand, rain is good because the drought has threatened to leave us with rationed water supply. So while the water reservoirs may not be filling up to the brim, at least it's working up to a manageable level.

But while rain cools the surroundings, I hate it because our streets aren't rain-friendly. I'm just really glad I had my jacket and didn't get any more wet than necessary considering I'm just recovering from my bout with cold and cough.

I'll be hitting the sack in a bit, and I sure hope the rain slackens so I can sleep in silence.

Thoughts on Motherhood

I've just had a crying spell. Good thing it's midnight and no one could hear me. My sister and I were just talking about our nephews and niece and how their mother -- our sister -- treats her kids. Actually, unless you know she's their mother, it wouldn't really show based on how she deals with them and treats them.

My sister related how she witnessed oldest boy and mother going through the motions of homework, when the parent has absolutely no patience with the kid and how it of course impacted on the boy. It's a never-ending cycle, as far as I'm concerned. Mother does not really teach or help out, she orders him to do the work, without taking time to check if he understands the lessons or if he needs to be more familiar with the concepts. End result? She gets exasperated, irritated and ends up beating up the boy when he becomes difficult.

For one, I would have wanted for the boy to take a nap first before tackling homework. That way, he would have shaken off the school mode, relaxed and rested before facing school work again. But mother has no patience to lie with him until he sleeps, neither will she make him milk immediately upon arriving so he can nap.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. What triggered the crying spell was realizing she has never shown much affection to any of her kids, but is content on treating them like soldiers -- sans emotions. Looking back, I know I get angry and exasperated with the boys, too, and sometimes, I have to resort to spanking them, but in spite this they remain close to me. Unlike their mother, whom they barely hug or kiss. I guess it's because I make it a point to explain to them why I was angry and why they were punished. After, I never forget to hug them and show affection just so they know they are loved.

This entry will sound disjointed because I do feel terrible about the situation. I realize the reason why I don't have kids of my own is because my purpose is to care for these kids and show them the love, respect, and care that they need and deserve. And I do believe that not all women are made to be mothers...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Winding up...

Another work week ended. It seems my extra workload from the old office was even more than my present one. Hmmm. Well the good news is I got my LAST SALARY -- meaning my pay for the period June 16-30, 2007. Can you imagine that... it is now August and I'm just receiving my paycheck for June. So go figure when payday will normalize or better yet, when my initial salary will be released. Am I glad I submitted all my papers as early as the 2nd week of July. Because everyone at the new office hasn't completed theirs yet. Yikes, and good luck to you guys.

The bad news is my mother has been waiting in the wings for my salary to pay off debts. I haven't gotten around to writing about THAT, and I'm just waiting for the right frame of mind. I do feel bad, however, to be working to settle debts that aren't mine in the first place, but inherited because I was left holding the bag.

Okay, am waiting to cash out some again from online investments and scouting around for more of the steady, honest and reliable ones. Check my other blog, GUIDED INCOME OPPORTUNITIES, if interested.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Much-Needed Break

GOD is good, all the time. Since last week, we've been leaving the office way too late. Today, as he told me, the BOSS is absent. And the little BOSS, too. And for the first time in weeks, we left the office at 5 p.m. Wow! Achievement.

I was really praying early this morning that I could head for home early, thinking we were going out tonight. But with an aunt and niece visiting, that might not push through either. Still, it's good to be home before dark. And everyone seems to be cooperating as we had very few callers at the office.

It's really a much-needed break.