Monday, September 22, 2008

Raving about a hospital

I have been admitted to the hospital and tomorrow morning I will be undergoing surgery... another major surgery after 34 years.

While I am not a great fan of hospitals (because who wants to be hospitalized, right?) I have to take my hats off to St. Luke's Medical Center, where I will finally be having the hysterectomy. The place screams of professionalism and efficiency, which makes it so great for clients, easing them into something that not many look forward to. If I didn't know this was a health facility, I would actually mistake it for a hotel. A five-star one.

Can you imagine, my room has a clock! Because I made a reservation as early as Saturday, it did not take long for me to get admitted after my papers were processed. This morning, I was very tense -- like there was a fist clenched in my stomach. For the last two weeks, I haven't really thought about what I was diagnosed with and what needs to be done, so it must all be sinking in now thus the nerves.

Another thing making me so tense is my HMO, which I can't understand. They can't make up their mind if I have enough for the procedure or if I need to prepare for any excess. My gyne-onco, however, insists that what I have is enough since he's had other patients with the same HMO who did not have to raise additional funds for the procedure. I do have to say bless him, because even if I have to shell out extra funds, he is not charging an arm and a leg, unlike other similar specialists. I can live with his 40,000 professional fees. That really took a load off my shoulders.

It also helps that the room I was given (although way up high) is within the coverage of both the HMO and Philhealth. I'm on the 5th floor, and while the room is quite old (it's not among those already refurbished) but it is spacious, there's a TV and a ref and more importantly, it's PRIVATE.

Now to the operation, the doctor's only worry is if my previous surgery will make it a but more difficult to carry out mine. I sincerely hope not because it will mean bringing in another surgeon, which means more costs.

I still have to worry about the staging of the C. I really, really don't want to go through treatment.

Starting tomorrow, I won't be able to move around as I have been used to and I can only hope to heal quickly. Lots of Vitamin C and protein will address that, according to my nurse. Maybe, VCO will also help.

The guys at the office scampering but if they concentrate on what needs to be done and use a lot of common sense, they will survive. As it is, they've been calling and texting for every little thing since this morning. I know things are difficult because of the budget hearings.

So, I hope it won't be long till I can post another entry. Pray for me...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Things to know before going through a major operation

In the last 30 days or so I have a) gone to 6 hospitals (New Era General Hospital, National Kidney and Transplant Institute, FEU-NRMF, Medical City, Philippine Heart Center and St. Luke's Hospital); b) seen seven (7) doctors either for consultations or clearance; and c) wasted almost 24 hours waiting for doctors to see me, yet spending an average of 15 minutes for each visit/consultation. This is not to include the hours alloted for all my laboratory tests and the actual amount I had to spend to get all these accomplished. Thankfully, I have medical insurance from the office, but in the end, these preliminary expenses have eaten into my allotment when I will finally go through my surgery scheduled for Tuesday. By then, I estimate I will have less than one hundred thousand pesos to cover even bigger expenses. I don't know if I am to believe my primary doctor that this will be sufficient to cover the hospitalization.

It is no joke to be sick, and in my case, contract a dreaded disease such as cancer. The hysterectomy will determine at what stage the cancer is at, and I am praying that it will either be Stage I-A or I-B so I don't have to undergo further treatment. It goes without saying I am anxious about all this -- not only the procedure itself and the eventual outcome, but the money that must be coughed up for everything.

Through all this initial/preparatory journey, I've picked up quite a few things that could be helpful in the future:

1. The insurance company (at least ours) will not pick up the tab even if the procedure or confinement is at an accredited hospital if the attending physician is not accredited with them. (this really sucks...)
2. The average professional fee charged by gynecologist-oncologists for the kind of procedure I require is between 60 to 80 thousand pesos.
3. Doctors base their fees on the kind of room a patient will occupy for the duration of the confinement. So if you want to save on costs, but suffer inconvenience, enter using a private room, then transfer to a ward before checking out.
4. That a boutique hospital like Medical City that charges an arm and a leg for their services is not necessarily the best.
5. That there are many women afflicted with cancer of some part of the reproductive system and the survival rate when detected at its early stages is quite high.
6. That Medical Arts Buildings, where doctor's clinics are housed, are not created equal. They range from the most swanky to the almost hole-in-the-wall types, but in the end, it is still the competence and integrity of the attending physician that spells the difference.
7. That OB-Gynes and Gyne-Oncos are basically friendly, jovial and do take the time to explain the procedure and what to expect before, during and after the operation.
8. That doctors, especially OB-Gynes/oncos and cardios) are notorious for being late because they can always be called for emergencies and they usually do hospital rounds before coming to the clinic... and that 9 a.m. usually means 11 or 12 noon.

I'm not quite sure what all these discoveries and realizations will amount to, but if it should enlighten someone who will be in a similar situation as mine, then it would have served its purpose.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Funny Boss

When he is in the mood, the Boss can be really funny. Actually, he admitted so much that his peers want him to be part of their committee meetings he a lot of life to it. He's very participative and since he's a lawyer, he can articulate himself very well. Of course, when the mood swings the other way, he can really drive people off the wall, and launch a tirade that you'd want to wish the ground would just swallow you up.

Anyway, today he was in quite a good mood, in spite minor annoying characters in the office. When he was wrapping up for the day (around 8 pm) he rubbed his palm over the knees and remembered that the material had caught a snag.

Suddenly, he was in an uproar again. On Monday, I will rise to manifest about the substandard equipment here... Look, my pants caught a snag because of splinters under the table, he sputtered. When I checked where he was motioning to, I could hardly see it. He then insisted that he was even poked by nails and lifted his pant leg to show off pinpricks. He said he was very particular about his clothes, and hated the thought it had a run, a snag or a tear. What irked him really was because his suits are customized by a very expensive brand tailor/haberdashery. He was wondering if they could contain the damage.

He was really funny, showing everyone at the office what happened to the pants, and that he really would be standing up to complain about it on Monday. Let's wait and see.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The verdict is in

I may not be a doctor but when I saw the diagnosis on my histopathy, I knew it was bad. Forget the with or without atypia phrase. There was none of that. Instead what was written in black and white was adinocarcinoma. Anyone who has ever read up on diseases is aware what carcinoma means. Yep, the Big C.

I tried to make light of it when I finally sat down with my OB-Gyne. She did not want to unnecessarily panic me. There were cancer cells on my endometrium or the uterus lining. No question about it, I had to have a hysterectomy, PRONTO. Cancer is cancer, she said and the earlier it can be determined and treated, the better. She was optimistic, though, because the initial prognosis showed Grade I, and while this in no way determines what stage the cancer is at, (the hysterectomy will confirm it), it is most likely in the early stage. What she wants to know is if it has gone beyond the endometrium because this would require further treatment: either chemo or radiation, which I am not looking forward to.

In truth, I didn't know what to feel. I went to the doctor alone so except for her, there was no one to discuss it with. And with her, I couldn't be emotional, if I really wanted to. There was a brief moment when I wanted to break down and cry but somehow, I didn't. She immediately sent me to the HMO coordinator to check if there was a gynecologist-oncologist within the hospital who was accredited with the HMO, to perform the surgery. Fortunately, there was. But I missed him and will have to come in for consultation on Thursday yet.

My OB-Gyne wants the surgery set next week. The earlier, the better. It will be a 3 to 4 hour operation. My, my that will be a long nap. Five days, at least, in the hospital, two weeks to recover, 2 months to heal. The good news, if it could be called that, is that the HMO will likely shoulder all the expenses. That's why I needed an accredited doctor. I need to be prepped, and I need to prep my family and the people at work, especially the boss.

Am I scared? You betcha! I have to hang on to my doctor's word that all will be well. I don't want to be cut up again -- been there, done that. But there is no other way. Bottom line, I want to get better. Please pray for me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can we finally make it to the Oscars?

I recently read the news that the movie topbilled by Judy Ann Santos has been selected as entry to the Academy Awards for Foreign Film. The movie, "Ploning" was hyped a lot before it was shown because it was considered a maverick of sorts. It was certainly not a formula movie, and one of the most glaring difference was its use of a native dialect that even we as Filipinos are hardly familiar with. Many were wondering if it would also succeed in the box office because it was unconventional.

Well, it passed with flying colors and I think was even given a B rating by the Cinema Evaluation Board. Thanks to Judy Ann's appeal, people trooped to theaters to see the film and critics were also generous with praise for this experimental project by first-time director Dante Nico Garcia.

I must confess I was unable to catch the movie during its commercial run and am now very curious as to why it has been chosen to represent the Philippines in the Oscars. Of course, it remains to be seen if it will eventually be chosen so let's all keep our fingers crossed.

I happened to read a review of the movie from the Philippine Daily Inquirer, (Ploning) which I will share with you and let you decide if it is worth seeing and worth being the representative. Whatever the outcome, congratulations are in order for Judy Ann, Dante and the rest of the people who worked to see this film's completion. Thank you for breaking out of the norm but showing nevertheless how talented and creative you are. That's the true Filipino spirit.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

State of the Art

And I am talking about a hospital. Outside, the National Kidney and Transplant Institute is so shrouded by trees and greenery that it looks old and decrepit. But I had the surprise of my life when I stepped in for laboratory tests. The lobby can rival that of a 5-star hotel. And if you didn't know it was a health facility, you could actually mistake it for some luxury accommodation.

I was totally impressed with their laboratory section because it was far better than an airline office or some bank. Come to think of it, there is no bank that looks like it, nor offers such efficient service. You get a number, wait for it to be called then follow the instructions given to you. In case you miss out on the number, not to worry, it's up their on an electronic board. So the only bothersome thing while inside is the constant pinging sound to signal another number is being served in the 8 counters. Inside the booth, it's almost paperless and the very spacious so you know the customer service crew won't be whining about their conditions. Very efficient, too.

I was using a health card so I skipped the payment part and just had to wait a bit to be called for the actual blood extraction. There, the medical technologists ask you you to step inside one of several cubicles that has two seats for two patients. The seat has cushioned arm rests to allow you to hold your arm out for the actual extraction process. No sweat. In about 2 minutes, you're done (provided you ain't squeamish about the procedure).

Everything at the NKTI is so efficient, you could actually enjoy going there if not for the fact that it means you have some ailment or another. I personally don't like hospitals but because of a condition, I've had my share of going in and out of them in the last several years.

Kudos to the NKTI and I guess the government for turning it into the kind of facility it is today.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just a Quick One

I'm currently working on a site which will contain everything I am up to that is Web related. If you've got nothing better to do, you MAY WANT to visit it. It's evolving because I keep adding and adding stuff to it.

And if you're thinking of making your own site for free, it's something you will be interested in.

Visit: PinoyEarner

Clickin' and clickin'...

Two or three years back, when I was in the doldrums, I found the internet to be a good companion. It allowed me to explore a world that took me to places I had never been and see opportunities I did not think were possible.

So I discovered about pay-to-click, blogs, HYIPs, forums, MLMs, YouTube and everything else that you can find on the world wide web. And because I did not think I could lose, I joined a lot of programs and sites and even when I had little by way of cash, I spent and spent and eventually lost and lost. SCAMMED is a pretty good word. Of course, I also discovered there are real programs that are reliable and until now still exist.

A week or so ago, I had to go on leave from work because I needed rest following another bleeding episode. Not having much to do, I was on the Net as often as possible just to keep me busy. And so it is that I've been discovering yet new programs and traffic generators and what have you. But I will say I am now wiser and more cautious than I was years ago.

I've also gotten back to blogging and writing and trying to earn through these exercises. Of course, to do so, I need the numbers. I need the people to visit my blogs or check out whatever it is I've written. Admittedly, it is a long and tedious process. While I may not have as much free time now as before (because of a regular job) I try to still keep at it in the hopes that I will finally earn from something.

What has me caught up these days are marketing sites that are helping me generate the traffic I need to get my blogs out there and read. It is a bit surprising because going around, I seem to be making teeny weeny headway and hope to really get a big kick out of my efforts. I need to work out a plan so that I can go about this systematically. But I am just winging it at the moment.

The truth is my preoccupation with all this clicking and surfing and browsing has left me with little opportunity to write down anything sensible in this blog. So this will have to do for now.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Long lost cousin

My sister and I, along with our young niece, attended the birthday party of a cousin's kid. For a long time, this cousin had been in crisis with no job (thankfully, his wife had one, though) and a young family to support. He's always been a tough guy, but even the toughest of them break under very trying times. Fortunately, late last year, he finally landed a respectable job and from the looks of things is well on the mend.

I think he feels he owes the clan thus the decision to hold the celebration of his two kids (whose birthdays are just a few days apart) nearby where everyone can drop by. It was, in a sense, an impromptu reunion, made more special by the appearance of cousin's sister.

Now this long, lost cousin, has not made an appearance for a very long time. Oh we would hear about her some from her brothers, but that was few and far between. The one time that really had all the family worried was when she supposedly suffered a heart attack (at 30 something) and she did not inform any of her folks about it until it was over. What if she'd croaked! She'd been avoiding us for a very long time so it was a pleasant surprise to see her present.

Our family (especially the father's side) is very clannish. If we can get together as often as possible, we do, with the flimsiest of reason. We do keep tabs on each other, particularly when someone is in crisis of one kind or another. So it was really both frustrating, annoying and worrisome when dear Cousin refused to put in an appearance.

But it was also such a huge relief to finally see her in the flesh and know that she is all right. I do hope she stays in touch. Geez, we're not gonna hit on her for a loan or something. We just want to spend time together, because that's the way we are.

Monday, August 11, 2008

You got a problem?

So does everyone else. Because problems are part of humanity. Think about it -- how are we supposed to learn about ourselves if our life was always 100 percent fine and dandy? And what a boring life it would be!

Sunday's sermon was very simple, direct to the point yet thought-provoking. God bless you, Fr. Rommel. It was in relation to God always being there for us, especially when we need Him most. And usually this is when we are burdened by problems of whatever kind. He said during those times, there are three realizations: first, we find out who are real friends are because they are the ones most willing to stand by us. Second, we learn of our limitless capacities to overcome whatever problems we are faced with. And third and most important, that God is always there for us. Not necessarily that we can see Him, in as much as we see Him among those who rally for and support us in these times.

What Fr. Rommel said is true. We may not realize them at the time we are in the midst of crisis, but looking back, we learn how problems enable us to become better persons. Sometimes, the answers we seek or want may not be the ones that come, but however we resolve these challenges or obstacles are the way that God has intended for us.

And just to lighten the load, everyone, I mean EVERYONE of us, experiences having problems at one point or another. It knows no class, no gender, no culture. Some are more difficult to hurdle than others, and some we think are far beyond our capacity to handle. But please know that when you think yours is the biggest burden, there is someone else with a more difficult task to face.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Manic Monday

I was almost contemplating not coming in to work today. On one hand, maybe I shouldn't have. But then again, the Boss needed a couple of things to be prepared for a very important meeting tomorrow. I don't know if it's the result of hormones, since I went to the doctor over the weekend and she prescribed medication. But it seems that the whole world was at the office between 2- 5 pm and in such cramped space, it was like a zoo.

I especially hate the fact that people just take it for granted that it is actually a work space and there are people who need to W-O-R-K there and would appreciate having some peace and quiet! And the things they come for can sometimes make you scream.

Then the staff had to get into the fray, deciding to act up at this time when everything around is almost going crazy. I feel like they left a bit of themselves over the weekend and they're not as sharp as they usually are.

I almost appalled myself because I was snapping at most everyone! So is it hormones or what? I really need to take a break... I wasn't even able to sneak in a few minutes to post in the forums, boohoohoo!

What a bummer day.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Job offers

It's funny because there have been days when as a result of stress, I'd be contemplating on leaving the Boss. But I am really more inclined to find some work-at-home opportunities if ever I will leave. Am not sure if I'm closer to that goal or not.

So it came as a real surprise when last month, two very real job offers landed on my lap while I least expected them. And if I were really very serious about calling it quits and gave any of them a lot of thought, both were more up my alley and closer to what I've been doing for most of my work life: WRITING.

The first offer, which was so unexpected thus it came as a shock, was made while meeting with two long, lost friends. I knew where they were connected but had no inkling they actually planned to tag-team me to consider their offer. I gotta admit It was a decent and interesting offer, but honestly, there was absolutely no feeling of enthusiasm on my part. No "I really want to do this" feeling. Otherwise, I would have made some form of commitment when they were really pushing me to report to work the next day. But nada. My friends were so persistent so I would give my instant "YES"; thankfully, they relented and allowed me to "sleep on it." Well, I have been -- sleeping on it, that is -- but there's still no compelling reason for me to accept.

My hesitance actually stems from a very important factor: my health. At this time, I'm not very certain how healthy I am and if I can keep up with the demands of the job, which will require a lot of field work. Another reason is the coming and going at my own pace, as opposed to having a strict 9-6 job. While it is true I am on call 24/7 now, I still have a lot of leeway when I have to report to work. What is more important is that I get the job done, wherever I am.

Yesterday, I received another offer, stranger than the first. A neighbor previously asked if I was interested in a part-time job to edit manuscripts for a publishing company. I said sure. But she comes back to me saying the company now needed a full-time managing editor on board! Worse, she even committed me to meet the big boss, ASAP. That was low! Doing part-time work at my own pace (or passing it off to my sister) is a whole lot different and that I'd agree to in a snap. But coming in as a regular employee to figure out how to put in place a new office system is an entirely different ballgame. I'd rather stick it out with the Boss and quit if I can get online work to be my own boss.

So there... It is, however, very nice to know that my market value in the work force is still pretty high for people to think of me and seek me out. And it is a relief to know I still have a choice to accept or decline an offer.

Thank you, God...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Nightmarish day

I'm a bit bothered because my sister told me this morning that I was screaming in my sleep last night. She had a bum stomach and couldn't sleep well so she was jolted when I was supposedly shouting in anger. And that was twice!? Man, I can't remember a thing. Must have been stress or some repressed feelings I'm not aware of. Could it have been because I wasn't feeling well, with a really bad cough>

Anyway, on my way to work at noon, I just got a ride in time as the heavens wept copious tears. And was it an eternity. In fact, it lets up a little then comes in torrents again. Sigh! I really hate rain, especially here because the water rises on the streets and when you commute, it's inevitable to get drenched. Add to that the jeepney driver was insisting on filling up his vehicle even when we were already packed like corned beef! Waahh!

Well, it's a relatively quiet payday Thursday and I'm really not up to working because of the coughing. Oh yes, please check out my Squidoo lenses and MyLot, too.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

MyLot, Squidoo

I've been neglecting this blog. Sorry! Well, it's just that I'm exploring the world wide web and finding other places to spread my excess energies (huh?) Actually, my search for ways to earn online while engaging in my passion (writing, that is) is never-ending. And till I actually find one that pays, I'm gonna keep at it. Of course, that's after thousands of pesos scammed and wasted. Still, I continue to hold out hope that there will be legitimate programs that can answer this need.

For now, I've created a couple of lenses with Squidoo and am posting a bit more in MyLot. In case you'd like to visit and be part of these sites, please check them out here:


Lens1 on Education
Lens2 on Jeepneys

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Odds and Ends, This and That

Been feeling out of sorts and under the weather the last couple of days and with nothing better to post anyway...

Yesterday, however, my aunt came over because we had arranged to renew our passports. The thing with her is she has become an American citizen, and since she is a holder of their passport, each time she buys her ticket there, they refuse to let her buy a one-way ticket. The solution is for her to get a Philippine passport. Of course, this could be trickier than most because of her status of having dual citizenship.

Just to cover the bases, we all decided to get our birth certificate from the Census office, which will issue the ones on security paper. Just for the adventure, we all trooped together (my aunt, my sister and I) and other than the fact it will be released on Monday yet, lining up wasn't such a big deal. Only because our need for the birth certificate isn't prompted by having to seek work abroad, which most of the clients are.

Since we had really planned on dropping by the mall, off we went aboard an airconditioned bus. the fare: P10 each, not bad especially since traffic wasn't all too heavy. At Cubao we got off at Farmer's, and began walking... We did manage to check out Gateway stores, which my aunt had never been to.

We looked around condo units on pre-selling and were impressed with the offer. Since it was 4 pm after scouring the stores, we had a snack, which included Dairy Queen. We were on our way to get a ride, when we happened upon mattresses on a Buy One, Take One offer. Too good to pass up, we ended up spending for these and taking the cab home instead.

It was a very tiring day, but fortunately, I felt a little better...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Not his year

Roger Federer, he with 12 Grand Slam titles, came crashing down to earth when Majorcan Rafael Nadal give a blistering and consistent performance on grass to raise the 2008 Wimbledon Championship trophy. And it was a long, long battle...

was Roger's inability to convert on his breakpoints that eventually led to his defeat, a heartbreaking one, by his own admission. After ruling the Queen's grass for five years, almost eclipsing Bjorn Borg's record of consecutive wins, the Fed Express finally ran out of steam.

He's not likely to admit that he knew in his heart Nadal was playing catch-up fast, but that's what the 22-year-old Muscleman from Spain has been doing in the last couple of years. With four French Open titles to his credit, consecutive at that, it was only a matter of time when he would finally be able to spell out Federer. And work on it, he did.

Well, this time truly a picture speaks a thousand words. Looking at Federer clutching his runner-up plate is truly devastating. There is next year to look forward to.

Photos by Fotosport International/R. Parker; Getty Images/C. Brunskill (

Waiting in suspense...

It's been an exciting Men's Finals at Wimbledon, and even just listening over Radio Wimbledon, the thrill and nerves is as jangling. At this time, the champion has yet to be declared, but Rafa Nadal, the No. 2 seed, leads two sets to love, and getting ready to close out the match at 5-4, Federer up. But as luck would have it, mother nature has dictated a time out with rain delay being called.

It's now midnight where I am, and I can hardly keep my eyes open. So, while I really, really want to be around to listen and rejoice with whoever will take home the crown, I'm gonna have to sign out in a couple of minutes because there is work tomorrow, and I'm not feeling as hale and hearty as I would like to be.

So, to Rafa or Roger -- go, guys. And congratulations to the eventual winner! If Roger does not make it, there must be some truth to history repeating itself as in the case of Bjorn Borg who was chasing his sixth consecutive Wimbledon crown but ended up losing to lefty John McEnroe. If he pulls a really magical rabbit from his hat, then Federer, you deserve it.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's her Dish

In two sets, defending champion Venus Williams beat younger sister Serena to raise her fifth Venus Rosewater Dish at the All England Club. Consistency was the key to her victory, and while she does feel a little sad having to win at the expense of her sibling, Venus was nevertheless thrilled that her preparation paid off.

Great game, guys... even if it was just listening over Wimbledon Radio. So, wonder if Roger and his cardigan will be making history tomorrow.

Photo by Reuters/A. Pierdomenico (

Friday, July 4, 2008


I am so out of the loop. TV series loop, I mean. As in, television has held little interest for me nowadays. Sure, some days I manage to sit it out and watch a program or so. Of course, it makes a world of difference that there is no cable here in the house. There are four television sets but no cable. Sigh!

So, it came as a surprise that during the ride home from work with a co-worker, I happened upon a DVD he was playing that I thought was actually a movie. Stupid me. It seemed every time we went home, it was the same movie playing over and over again. It turns out he was playing the series 'Numb3rs'. Very interesting because I really love these types of series. I like CSI. Alias, and their ilk. But then unless I get DVDs of past episodes or happen to catch them elsewhere on free TV, then I'm out of the loop.

Having caught just a few of the Numb3rs episodes, (imagine mixing crime and math, wow!) I know it's already caught my fancy but alas, I really have to begin searching for past episodes if I want to update myself. Oh well, we'll see.

Another Williams finals

For the 8th time, the Williams sisters -- Venus and Serena -- will meet for the finals of a Grand Slam event. The All England Club or Wimbledon has much prestige in it that Serena, who has two of the Venus Rosewater Dish, is hungry enough to keep Venus from getting her fifth.

Surprise semi-finalist Zheng Jie put up a huge fight, becoming the first Chinese to reach that round for Wimbledon. She may have been bested by one hungry Williams, but she proved that Asians are becoming a force to reckon with in the tennis circuit.

So, who am I rooting for this Saturday? Don't really care. While I con
cede the Williams sisters are talented tennis players who have proven time and again they are champions, I've never really been big fans of theirs. Dunno... must have been turned off by their father, Richard, early on in their tennis careers.

So, the Venus Rosewater Dish for 2008 goes to...

Photo by: Reuters/K. Doherty (

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This photo I took several years ago in San Juan, Batangas. You would never think the beach where this was taken was so blah, judging from this picture. It only goes to show that beauty is in the of the beholder (in this case, the camera lens)...

Aia Girl

After a long, hard day at work it is always a joy to come home and enjoy the antics of my 2 year-old niece. Well, she is turning three in October. Unlike her two older brothers who took a bit of a time to talk, Aia can talk a storm, no stutters, often sounding authoritative and just plain hilarious. Of course, in her terrible two's she can be a handful, but always she brightens up my day, whether it is something she says or does.

Thank God for Aia Girl...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tired and weary

The boss has been away for nearly two weeks. I thought the whole time he was away I could relax and take it easy. Fat chance! I might as well have gone on the trip with him with his million and one demands. It really makes things difficult because he is not a seasoned traveler; neither is he patient or a techie. Had he been any of the above, life would have been simpler.

For one, he has only one (as in 1) credit card to his name. He refuses to get another for reasons that boggle the mind. It wouldn't have been such a problem if he used his available cash. Nope... he wants to use plastic all the time. And since his card is not Gold or Platinum, he runs out of credit quickly. So, we who are thousands of miles away from him, have to raise the funds to pay off his debts.

Second, he has absolutely no patience looking for internet connection/access. In case this is available -- which usually is the case in hotels around the US -- he does not take the time to check out his email and messages, always relying on text messaging (SMS), thereby incurring astronomical roaming charges. With email and the internet, we can chat and he can give instructions till we both turn blue in the face. But he hardly even checks his email, so there...

Then he isn't very mindful of the time difference. I get messages near midnight, or at dawn. As in there I am in lalaland, and suddenly I get roused by my messaging tone... from him. No wonder I feel so tired and weary. And I kissed my weekends goodbye because I was always on call then.

So I don't know if I prefer him to be away (abroad) or just in the province because at least his demands are more easily catered to without having to bother so many people at such ungodly hours.

Am I glad he is coming home...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oh my gas!

Pump prices of gasoline jumped by another P1.50 per liter. Arghh! Can you imagine , a year ago gasoline prices were in the vicinity of P30 per liter and people were already complaining then. Now, it's doubled and they've stopped complaining, instead commuting to beat the crunch.

It's hilarious how you go to a gas station in a fancy, brand new car and purchase P200 worth of gas. Laughable because that's just around 2 plus liters! You might as well leave the car and take the jeep or bus.

Of course it really is so much more convenient to have your own vehicle to get around. But pondering about how much it takes to fill a tank, and the necessity of the errand makes you think a zillion times whether or not to take the car or just commute.

A few weeks ago, while on a jeep, two drivers were sighing about the escalating gas prices. One said there was even talk that next year, crude oil will be hitting P100 a liter. If that happens, one said, no one will be plying the route. It's just darn crazy...

Even my dad who goes to the farm weekends has decided it will be more practical to just take the bus. That way he saves on gas and gets to rest while on the trip...

Wimby's glamour girls gone

After Maria Sharapova, Ana Ivanovic followed suit. And so it is that the glamour girls of the sport have packed their bags for home. I've got absolutely nothing against these young ladies being tall, gorgeous and all because they do know and love tennis as well. It just gets to me that there is so much preoccupation about their looks and what they're donning at grand slam events.

Now, the Asian tennis players seem to be making a mark at this tournament. They've managed to upset their opponents, which is a really great thing because it's the Europeans and Americans that usually dominate the sport. So here's to rooting for Asian blood to take centerstage.

So Wimbledon is now entering its second week and with the draws compressing, it will be interesting to follow if Federer or Nadal will face off once again for the finals or if one of the Williams sisters will be lifting the Venus Rosewater Dish... again.

Well we just have to tune in and watch as the games unfold.

Photo by IPS/M. Pozzetti (

Friday, June 27, 2008

Seeds come crashing down

So much for Maria Sharapova's scene-stealing outfit... After two rounds at Wimbledon, she's joining Serb Novak Djokovic in packing bags and heading for home. Hey, aren't they the reigning Australian Open champs? Hmmm.

I guess tennis has really become unpredictable these last years. Of course, not to discount the dominance of Roger Federer, who's been at the top for nearly three years. These days, it can be anybody's game. Well, just looking over Federer's shoulder is Rafael Nadal, who just may pull a great stunt and finally prove he's not just a clay-court guy.

The truth is I miss Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, Boris Becker, even Michael Chang and Steffi Graf and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario. I miss their showmanship on court. Power tennis? I'm not really so gung-ho about. Because play that way and in a couple of years, they have to contend with injuries. Now a good game by Agassi and Sampras or Graf and Monica Seles, wow! Really keeps you glued to the screen, your heart thumping with excitement. Even Goran Ivanisevic was a showman.

Well, there's next year again for Sharapova and Novak... And here's to looking out who will reign supreme on the queen's green.

Photo by IPS/M. Pozzetti (

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Construction and the Blues

Hayayayay! The office is one big construction site at this time. As in, the entire Batasan Pambansa complex is full of scaffoldings, cement, construction workers, hammering, digging, chipping and what have you. They're making use of the long break to get things going. The facades are undergoing a facelift, the bathrooms (so many of them) are being renovated, even our 6th floor has not been spared. So it's one huge facelift for the complex.

In exchange, there is never any peace and quiet, with all the racket and commotion caused by the hammering, pounding, chipping away at plaster and cement. And the dust is terrible!. Worse, you never really know which areas are passable.

Making matters worse is that I've been under the weather lately. I can feel a cold and cough tickling. At least the Vitamin Cs I'm glugging seem to be holding them off. But I can still feel it coming.

Then there's the internet lull at the complex following the typhoon over the weekend. Connections have yet to be restored. What a bummer week this is turning out to be...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Whiplash Weekend

So many things happened over the weekend, and am I thankful the home and family are all intact and safe.

First there was Frank -- one bloody typhoon that whipped through the entire country from south to north, leaving thousands homeless, hundreds dead, and millions worth in damaged property. Did Frank make his presence felt... While it's been overcast with thunderstorms in the past weeks, nothing could have prepared us for the early morning attack last Sunday when Frank hit the metropolis after ravaging the Visayas and other parts of the country in its path.

Mom, who was in the farm with Dad for the weekend, roused us at 4 in the am to warn us that Frank was about to hit land. They've been awake since 2 because the wind had been howling and the heavens pouring leaving the surroundings flooded. The caretakers had to seek refuge in the main house lest they get trapped in their modest homes. It was, Mom described, like a refugee camp with lights out for the most part. Good thing there was a girl scout who fashioned a makeshift lamp using our precious VCO.

After checking on the doors and windows, shutting those that need to be shut just as the winds were starting their fury, I hit the sack again but sis tuned in to the radio for regular weather/storm updates. An hour or so later, Frank hit land, whipped everything in sight, dumped rains and made certain everyone would stay home for the rest of the day. Power was out for several hours making it difficult to do chores around the house in darkness. The house (boohoo!!) was feeling the effects of the storm, mostly in the living room when water started seeping into the house. It was a never-ending mopping session and dumping water outside until late afternoon. Power was restored for about half-an-hour then went off again. With power out, the kids were restless and bored. We had fried rice for lunch and salted fish on the side. The rains were intermittent and lasted till late in the evening.

News that an inter-island vessel sank added to the tension. I can imagine the nightmarish situation for disaster officials who would have to contend with various rescue missions. Sulpicio Lines sure is unlucky. It's another of their vessels that turned over; 700 passengers and crew on board, and the survivors are coming in trickles, if at all. Now what is with these people setting sail in spite news of bad weather? Tsk, tsk.

Our house-help, who was due in from the province (the same area where the sunken ship originated from) had us worried. But she sent in messages that she was safe but stranded. Whew! That was close. Now, she is back home, none the worse for wear.

In many parts of the country hit by Frank, there is still no electricity. Those who lost their homes are holed up in evacuation centers -- mostly schoolbuildings. Classes were suspended in areas ravaged by the typhoon. Communicatioan facilities are getting back to normal. Even internet connections suffered heavily and need to undergo repair.

It's just the beginning of the rainy season and who knows what else lies ahead...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here I am Again

I cannot believe that it's been 9 months since I last posted here. Yes, yes, I've been neglecting this what with the new boss, who has just as many demands as the previous. Well, the good thing is he treats his staff like humans and not like animals.

In the 11 months since he's been in office, he has logged in thousands of airmiles due to several overseas trips. Last month, it was Belfast, United Kingdom, tomorrow he's off to the US for 10 days. Oh my gosh! And it's always been one harried preparation after another.

I've got other stuff to write about in the next couple of days... as soon as he leaves.

In the meantime, it's good to be back.