Saturday, July 21, 2007

A long-awaited reunion

I've had difficulty accessing my blogger account yesterday so I gave up even if I really wanted to post. Anyway, I just had to write about a long-awaited reunion with one of my very few trusted friends. D has actually been badgering me for months to get together. The problem is she lives and works so far away.

But yesterday, I finally needed to go to her area and it would be cruel not to drop by and have lunch with her. Anyway, I appreciated the Licensing Center I went up to because it took less than a hour to have my driver's license renewed. It was quite a ways off, but I didn't mind the travel given that I did not have to wait the whole day to get it. So, congratulations guys.

D was thinking I wasn't really gonna drop by, so she was really excited when her staff announced my arrival. We've known each other for 20 years and while there have been stretches of time when we did not talk or see each other or even send text messages, it's as if we never lost touch. I know she will be always be someone I can run to, talk to and hang out with if the need ever arose. I helped get her wedding together, okay, and her only son is my godson, so we're really close.

As always, it was good catching up with each other's lives and we always enjoy the company, the chitchat, the discussion. And since we managed to start this "reunion" it probably won't be a hardship to get together regularly. I love D, and am really thankful we met and became good friends.

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