Wednesday, July 4, 2007

It Dawned on Me...

That the reason why this job stresses me a lot is because more than just my actual functions, I have been a shock absorber, sounding board, counselor, adviser and what have you. It seems most everyone at the office is depending on me especially during crunch time and I'm absorbing all the negative vibes thus the stress.

Even when the Boss doesn't really harp on me or shout at me or curse me, I still end up feeling dejected because whoever was at the receiving end of his wrath will transmit it to me, either in person, over the phone or through text messages. And I really absorb them all.

Today was no different... the Boss suddenly on a whim (of course) decided he wanted to leave for Beijing tomorrow! It was 3 p.m. when I got the call about this. Another one of those goals where you need a miracle. Because he stressed his assistance, she in turn runs to me for help and advice. While I am at this office, I can never really ignore this. So the best thing to do is GET OUT.

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